Coding Dojo: Test First Spreadsheet
Test First Spreadsheet
During this dojo we will be implementing a Spreadsheet from scratch. We will start with the formula engine and write a GUI if there is time.
You are given a set of existing tests that have no current implementation. You will need to work your way through the tests implementing the expected functionality.
- Implement each test before going onto the next one
- Split tests if you want to
- Refactor between passing tests if needed
- You can make up additional intermediate test cases to drive your code
- You can complete the tests in a different order if it makes sense
Starting codebase:
Background Reading
You may find the following links helpful for parsing formulas:
Wikipedia: Reverse Polish Notation
Wikipedia: Shunting Yard Algorithm
Googling operator precedence or recursive descent will give you an idea of an established way of parsing formulas.